Thursday, March 18, 2010

Who needs to nap anyway?

Haley woke up at about 9am this morning and was ready for the day. Normally she'd be up for about 1 1/2 to 2 hours, so I had it all planned, she'd be up from her nap by about 12-12:30pm and ready for her play date with Eva. No such luck... For some reason, Haley felt she didn't need to nap. I put her down, she didn't cry, just whined for about 45 minutes. So I went in there, fed her and put her back down. She still didn't fall asleep, she continued to whine for another 45 minutes. By that time, Leila and her daughter Eva were about to arrive for the play date, so I thought, let's see what happens if I just keep her up... I was shocked!! Haley was in a great mood! She had her lunch, played, laughed, interacted with Eva, all without a complaint. They left around 2pm (now awake for 5 hours straight), and Haley was still fine. I changed her, fed her and put her down for a nap by about 2:15pm and she went straight to sleep, she was pooped! She had a nice long sleep (2 1/2 hours), which kept her going for the rest of the day. Normally she'd have 3 naps in a day, but today she did great with just 1, so odd! I think it did mess her up a little bit though. When I put her down at around 8:15pm (which is later than usual too), she went straight to sleep. However, she woke up an hour later, and refused to go back to sleep until 10:30pm. I don't think she realized it was actually bed time. Here's hoping we can get her back on schedule tomorrow, unlikely since we're going to Cross Iron Mills to meet up with some friends, but she always does well when we're out.

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