Saturday, July 31, 2010

She's got her 1st tooth!

Haley officially got her first tooth on Thursday (July 29th), one of her top front teeth. I'm pretty surprised at how big it is! The ones on the bottom appear to have gone back down, can't really see them much now. There are still 3 more on the top that look like they'll come through any day now though. In fact, I think the other front top one is starting to break through. When her 1st one came through, she was totally fine all day. She did cry a fair bit right before bed, but after a little baby orajel, she went to sleep. I'm pretty amazed at how well she's doing, especially since they're such big teeth coming in!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Bumps and bruises

It's been a pretty good week, filled with play dates and fun times with Haley.
On Friday we went to the zoo for a lunch with my work. It was great to see some of the other little ones that we hadn't seen since the RSA Kids Christmas party in November. Man they grow up fast!
Yesterday Haley's friend Eva came over to play. They were both crawling around, when Haley lost her balance and bumped her head on the hardwood. She hit it pretty hard! First she was doing the cry with no sound, then it all came out. Poor thing, she was so upset! There was a bump and a bruise on her forehead. Then she was sitting on the hardwood, and one of the dogs knocked her over, so she hit the back of her head. She wasn't too happy about that one either. All in all, it was a pretty rough day :(
Today she was fine, just had a purple bruise on her head. She went through the whole day without hurting herself, until right before bed. She was crawling on the hardwood and got her knee stuck in her dress. Of course she went down again, and wouldn't you know it, hit her head in the same spot! Know it's not only purple, but there's a big goose egg too. We had to ice her little head before bed.
I know these things are going to happen a lot as she gets older, but it sure sucks when your little one gets hurt. I just want to cover her in padding to prevent these things, but I guess that's not realistic. So here's hoping tomorrow is a better day!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

She's Crawling!!!!

Today was Charlie's birthday. This morning Haley decided to give daddy a present. After breakfast we were hanging out in the living room. Haley was trying to get Charlie's glasses, so he said "ok Haley, if you want them, you have to go get them". So he placed them a few feet away on the floor. She looks at him, turns around towards the glasses and crawls over to them! We were shocked! We knew she was going to start crawling soon, but it was just so funny the way she went and didn't seem pleased with herself or anything. It was like she knew she could do it, she just hadn't bothered before. Such a funny little girl.
Yesterday we went to a wedding. It was held at a campground, a very relaxed atmosphere. We were there all afternoon/evening, but Haley did great! She just loves the outdoors. No matter how tired she gets, she's just happy to be outside.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

A Few Firsts

On the weekend Haley finally starting trying to crawl. She's only moved a couple of steps forward, but she goes backwards quite well, lol . She has perfected the bum scootch, so getting to whatever she needs is no longer an issue. Of course that includes the cat, who she now likes to throw herself onto and pull his hair and tail. Poor little guy, he's such a good sport, doesn't even try to get away.
Yesterday Haley experienced her first Stampede breakfast. She had a little bit of eggs, sausage and pancakes. Can't say she loved it, but she did eat a little bit of it. I wasn't sure how she'd enjoy all of the noise and crowds, but it didn't bother her a bit. She was loving looking around, and having the wind low in her hair. It was a great morning.
Last night when I was putting her to bed, I noticed that one of her front top teeth are coming in, FINALLY! You can see where all of her teeth are going to be, but none of them have broken through just yet. Looks like one is finally on it's way through!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Pool Party

Yesterday Haley and I went over to our friend's place, where we met up with a few of the girls/babies from our prenatal group, and a couple of her other friends. We put all of the kids in the pool, it was very cute. They all sat in there for a little while, then a couple of the crawlers decided to climb out. Haley was splashing away, playing with the toys, just having a great time, she loved it! When we went inside, we lined up all the babies and got a photo. It's pretty hard to get that many kids to sit still at the same time. Haley was good though, she was just sucking on her soother (which she doesn't usually take, but we're trying to get her to stop sucking her thumb). After a couple of photos, all the kids crawled off, other than Haley and Paige. The two of them just sat their quietly playing, they're so sweet together.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Busy party weekend!

Haley was a social butterfly again this weekend. Saturday we went to Sohpie's 1st birthday, this was the first birthday party Haley ever attended. She was great all afternoon! She sat quietly on my lap while Sohpie opened her presents. I gave her a piece of tissue, so that kept her busy for ages :) Who needs toys when you have boxes, bags and tissue?
Sunday Haley had another 1st birthday to attend, she was a good little girl there too! On the way home she was pooped. She was falling asleep, but we wanted her to wait until we got home, that way she could have a nice long nap in her bed. Poor thing, there she was dosing off, and we kept opening the windows and calling her name. The look on her face was priceless when the window first opened, she was just so exhausted. We made it home though, so she had a nice little sleep in her bed.