Sunday, June 27, 2010

Family trip to the zoo

Yesterday we had our first trip to the zoo as a family, what an awesome day! When Haley woke up from her morning nap, we gave her lunch and off we went. I put her in the Baby Bijorn to walk through the Prehistoric Park, that way she could see everything really well, she loved it. She was kicking her legs like crazy as the animatronic dinosaurs moved and roared. Then back in the stroller she went while we visited all of the animals. The weather was awesome, but it was so sunny we couldn't get Haley to look at the camera, lol.
Haley has officially dropped 1 nap. Now she's only taking 1 in the morning, and 1 in the late afternoon. It actually works a lot better, we can go out for longer periods without her needing to go to sleep. Plus, I don't feel like she's spending most of her day sleeping, it's great!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Today was a really nice day. The weather was beautiful, perfect for spending a little time outside. My parents came over for lunch, so we all sat outside while Charlie fired up the BBQ. Then we enjoyed a lovely lunch together.
After my parents left, Charlie's parents and sisters came over for a visit. Haley was her usual happy self, she's such a good girl.
All in all, a really nice 1st Father's Day for Charlie.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Haley's fist photo shoot

I decided to get some professional photos done of Haley (if Superstore counts as professional), which was going to be our Father's Day present to Charlie. I got the photos back today, of course I couldn't keep them a secret. Charlie really liked them! Haley was in such good form yesterday, it was the perfect time to have her picture taken. She smiled through the entire thing! At one point, a couple of girls stopped at the window (where you could see into the photo studio). They kept saying "she's so cute!". I swear Haley could understand what they were saying, cause she looked up at them and just started to smile even bigger.
The whole day was amazing yesterday. After Haley's photo shoot, we went to visit Daddy at work. She was a good little girl there as well. When we got home it was nap time, she was pooped, so she took a 2 hour nap. We had some shopping to do after dinner, so we all went to Costco. Haley sat in the shopping cart (with her shopping cart cover). As we pushed her around, she smiled at everyone, and even waved at a few people. This age is so fun! LOVE IT!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

It's been a busy week, full of play dates once again. On Tuesday we had a few of the girls over from my work, who are also on maternity leave. The youngest baby is Kyndal, she's 4 weeks old. The second youngest is Kyra, she's 4 1/2 months. Haley is 9 1/2 months and Kingston is 10 1/2 months. It was so neat to see how different they all are. I can't even remember what it was like when Haley was as small as Kyndal, and I barely remember what it was like before Haley could sit (like Kyra).
On Wednesday I had a couple of my other friends over, with their little ones, Sophie and Benjamin. They're both about 2 months older than Haley, and extremely mobile. It made me tired just watching those to cruise around the house and up/down the stairs. Can't say I'm in any hurry for Haley to start crawling.
I tried to get a photo of the three of them together, but Sophie kept crawling away, lol.
We had such beautiful weather this weekend! It was perfect for spending a little time in our back yard. I love just hanging out on the deck, enjoying the sun with my family. Haley really likes being outside too.
Haley has been really funny all weekend. We tried to give her cheese again, she still doesn't like it. So far it's the only food she won't eat. You put it in her mouth, and when she realizes what it is, it come right back out. She's also started making new noises. Charlie and Chuck always growl at her, so today she was growling back. We went to Wal-Mart, she even did it there. I think she scared the two older women standing next to us, cause they sort of jumped when she did it, then went to another isle, it was pretty funny.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Waving monkey

Haley is at such a fun stage now! Charlie's dad stopped by yesterday, followed by my parents. When Chuck was leaving, we said "say bye to Grandpa Haley". She looked at him and waved frantically. She's been waving for a while, but never so intentionally and with such enthusiasm. Then when my parents were leaving, she did the same thing. Waving away, the cutest thing ever!!! Of course she doesn't do it when I take out the video camera. Maybe one day I'll be able to catch it on tape.
Still no crawling, but she does seem to be trying more and more.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Haley and her friends

Second photo, from left to right: Eva (11 months), Fiona (14 months), Victoria (11 months), Haley (9 months)
Yesterday we had the Hydoqual (Charlie's work) babies over. They're all at such different stages! Haley is the youngest, but only by about 7 weeks. She did get picked on a little, poor thing. When we lined them all up, Eva put her arm around Haley, pulled her over, poked her in the eye and squeezed her face. Poor baby!!! I felt so bad for her, she was very upset (as you can see from the photo). After that, we had to separate the two of them, lol.
Today Haley and I went over to my friend's place for a play date. Haley and Paige played so nicely, it was very sweet. Such a different scene from yesterday. Paige would have a toy, Haley would take it from her and put it in her mouth. Paige is so easy going, she just sat back and watched Haley play with her toys. Once it came to nap time, I attempted to put her down in Paige's crib.... Key word "attempted". It didn't go so well. Haley hasn't had a full on cry in ages, but she did today. I felt terrible!! I ended up going to get her, as I'm pretty sure she was scared by the unfamiliar surroundings. She just didn't want to sleep anywhere, so we ended up going home. Of course she fell asleep in the car, no surprise there. Guess I'm gong to have to start letting her nap in different surroundings to get her used to it. At the moment she'll only sleep in her crib, car seat or stroller. She's a particularly good napper at the mall, go figure :)

Paige: "mmmmm, Sophie the giraffe"
Haley: "I'll take that, thank you"
Paige: "oh well"
Haley: "mmmmm, Sophie's foot"

Check out the weight update... I think Haley has actually had a bit of a growth spurt!