Sunday, February 28, 2010

6 months old!

I can't believe Haley is 6 months old already, where does the time go? It makes me so sad to think that half my time at home with her is over, it's going to be so hard to go back to work :( Guess I'll just have to make the best of the time I do have with her, and enjoy every moment!
We've had a great weekend with her again, she's all of a sudden become a very easy baby, we're so lucky!
Last night we went to a housewarming party at our friend Cassandra's. I wasn't sure how it was going to work, since Haley usually goes to bed between 7:30-8:30pm, but she did great! When she looked like she was starting to fade, we put her in her PJs, and into her car seat. She went right to sleep. She only took a nap while we were there, then she wanted to see what was going on. Not what we had planned, but we just went with the flow. Once we got home, I fed her and put her in bed. Down she went without a peep! She did get up a couple of times in the night, but I'm guessing it's because we through off her schedule. I thought we'd have a rough day today because of it, but we didn't. She was a happy baby all day!
Tonight I made her Yams, which we had with out dinner too. She really seemed to like them, although they're pretty much the same as sweet potatoe, so I sort of figured she would. So far so good, we haven't come across anything she won't eat. Next I think we'll try peaches.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Busy little girl...

Haley had quite the day today...
My friend Jenny came over with her son Kingston, who's about a month older than Haley. It was so cute to watch the two of them interact. When we first put them next to each other, Haley had her hand out, and Kingston reached out and held it, SO CUTE!!! Then we sat them on the sofa together, they just stared at each other, and at one point Kingston tried to poke Haley's eye out, lol. Not sure why babies always go for each others eyes. She's a good sport though, doesn't seem to bother her.
When Daddy got home from work, he and Haley played on the floor. I just love watching them together. He gets her laughing so much, it's great! She was sitting in his lap on the floor, up walked Nikko (our cat), Haley just loves him! She reaches out to pet him, and he rubs up against her hand. Of course the nice playing doesn't last for long, next thing you know, she's pulling his hair and ear. Luckily he doesn't respond, just pulls away and goes to the other room.
I made pears for Haley last night, so she had them today. They were a real hit, she couldn't get enough of them! So far she's had rice cereal, oatmeal cereal, barley cereal, sweet potatoe, squash, carrots, banana and pears. The only thing she doesn't seem to like too much is squash, the rest she eats quite easily. I love making her food for her, it's very gratifying. Jars are great when I need something quickly, but I much prefer knowing exactly what she's eating.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Should I laugh or bounce?

Daddy was playing peek-a-boo and making faces at Haley while she bounced in her Jolly Jumper. She found it pretty amusing! We just love listing to her laugh, I could watch this video all day :o)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Happy little girl :)

I don't know what changed, but we've had such a happy little girl on our hands lately, we're so lucky!! She's been waking up in a great mood, going down for her naps no problem, sleeping great at night and smiling most of the day, it's fantastic!!! When Daddy comes home from work, Haley is just thrilled, it's so cute to watch.
We had guests here today, Haley smiled the entire visit. When it was time for a nap, she put her thumb in her mouth and went straight to sleep. As much as I wish she wouldn't suck that little thumb of hers, it's so cute! At least it only happens when it's time to fall asleep. Here's hoping we'll be able to stop it before it wrecks her teeth. For now she's still a toothless wonder, so I think we're ok.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

We're so lucky!

We've had such a nice weekend! Haley has been an angel! She barely cried at all, and both nights she went down without a peep, and slept through the night. She's been busy playing with her toys, watching the Olympics and jumping in her jolly jumper. Today we had lots of visitors. Charlie's parents and sister came by, followed by my friends Bonnie and Janet. We had a great visit with them, but she was so pooped after about an hour, she was half asleep by the time we got her into her crib for a nap. She went down for the night at 7:30pm tonight, tired little monkey.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The best day ever!

Haley was amazing today!! She slept for 14 hours last night, only got up once for a feed (after 10 hours). Maybe the good sleep was the reason for her great mood today. She didn't cry all day, only whined a little when we were at our neighbours place, simply because she was tired. When we got home, she went right down for a nap. The rest of the afternoon consisted of hanging out as a family, watching TV and playing with Haley's toys, so nice and relaxing!
We gave her banana for the first time today, it was so funny. She had a disgusted look on her face when it first went in, because it was an unfamiliar taste. After she swallowed it , she got a big smile on her face and giggled, so cute.
I bought a baby scale the other day, so I could determine how much Haley is eating. Works great! We weighed her this morning, she's still only 12 lbs 13 1/2 oz. It's no wonder her 0-3 month clothes are still fitting (the outfit she's wearing in this photo is 3 month).

Friday, February 19, 2010

What a day...

Haley had a bit of an off night last night. She was up every few hours, and had a hard time going back to sleep. So unusual for her, she's normally such a great sleeper. So because of the lack of sleep through the night, she decided to stay in bed until 11am, which through her off for the rest of the day. We ended up not being able to get her to sleep until 11pm tonight, YIKES!! Here's hoping we can get her back on track tomorrow.
This afternoon we played with her new toys, fed her some squash (which she's not a big fan of), did a little shopping and went for a visit at grandma and grandpa's (Charlie's parents). We were having such a good day, but for some reason, she was miserable during our visit. She was ok when we first got there, had some fun times in her exersaucer, but as soon as grandpa (Chuck) walked in the door, she started to scream! It was a new scream, one which I hope she doesn't continue. I'm not sure if his height scares her, or if it was just coincidence that it started when he got home. So strange, because for the longest time, he was the only one that could calm her down when she was upset, but not tonight!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Haley's new toy!

For Valentine's Day I was going to get Haley a huge stuffed animal, so off I went to Wal-Mart. I ended up finding something even better!! the Stack'n Surprise Sillytown. It's normally $70, but for some reason Wal-Mart had it marked down to $20. We set it up for her after she went to bed last night, so it was ready for her this morning. It has quickly become her favorite toy! Right away she figured out how to get it to play music, flash and pop up and down. What a great toy!! For that price, maybe we should have one at each of the grandparent's places?
This age is so much fun! It's so neat to see her figure things out, just watching that little mind work, I love it!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Poor little monkey!

Our day started out so nicely...
Haley woke up around 11am, so we all got to sleep in, it was great! We spent the day relaxing and playing with her. It was day 3 of sweet potatos, which she had along with some rice cereal, she seemed to enjoy it. I decided to take her out for some fresh air, so the two of us went for a walk around the neighbourhood, it was really nice. Haley was pooped when we got home, so she went down for a nap, no problem. I had everything planned so nicely to go to Charlie's parents place for dinner, but when she woke up from her nap (around 5:45pm), she was screaming. Poor little thing, there were real tears and everything. I felt so bad for her!! We gave her some gripe water, but she was still pretty upset. Charlie ended up going on his own, so I could stay home and look after her. Probably a good thing... She seemed to be feeling a bit better a little while after he left, so we were sitting on the floor playing. All of a sudden she started to chock (which scared the crap out of me), then she threw up most of her milk and sweet potatos, so gross!! Clearly something was bugging her, but I think she got it out.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

We had a really nice day today. I wasn't feeling too well this morning, so when Haley woke up (at 9:15am), Charlie brought her into our bed so I could feed her. Then he played with her and let me sleep until 10:45am. She took a nice long late morning nap, then Charlie's grandparents stopped by to bring Haley her 1st Valentine. While they were here, Haley gave Daddy his Valentine and gift. The card was even stamped with her little foot, so cute. Haley and I made Daddy's gift, a picture frame, which we customized and put a photo of her in for his desk at work.
After a nice relaxing day at home, and another nap in the afternoon (for Haley), we headed over to my parents place for a lovely dinner. Haley had day 2 of sweet potatos. Turns out she actually likes them, she ate quite a lot for dinner. She was such a good girl all day. When we got home, we got her ready for bed and she went off to sleep without a peep AGAIN! We're so lucky.
Happy Valentine's Day!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Don't think she liked it...

Haley tried sweet potatos for the first time tonight. She wasn't a fan of them on their own, but she was ok with them in her cereal. We had already fed her a fair bit before attempting to catch it on video.

After her messy eating experience, it was bath time. She loves her baths! A huge change from the large amounts of screaming she used to do (only the first couple of baths). After her bath she was blow dried, massaged, and dressed for bed. She only had 2 naps today, so she went down without a peep. What a nice evening!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Perhaps it's a growth spurt, or maybe she's teething?

Haley had a pretty rough day today. She had 4 naps, but she woke up from each one in a pretty crumby mood. I'm pretty sure she was still tired, but she wouldn't go back to sleep. Maybe she's going through a growth spurt, or she could be teething? Who knows... When we got home from Tae Kwon Do tonight, it was already 8pm, so Haley was pretty tired. We gave her some naked time and let her hang out on her changing pad for a little bit. She was a happy little clam. I put her in bed, turned on the sleep sheep, and she went right to sleep, not a peep!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Seriously? She's wearing a dress!!!

I met up with a friend and her little one at the mall today. While we were in Baby Gap, the grandmother of a little 2 week old started chatting with me. She asked me how old my little one was and wanted to see her. She was sleeping and covered in her car seat/stroller. When I opened it, she said "is it a little boy?". What the heck!!! She was wearing a pink top, pink tights and a striped dress (pink, purple, brown, yellow & turquoise), and her little purple hat with a pink and brown flower on it (the hat in the photo). All I said in return was "NO". So she says, "oh, sorry, all I saw was the hat". OMG!!! Let this be a lesson people... if you don't know what sex a child is, just DON'T ASK! I mean really, do you care about some stranger's child? No! Will it upset them if you get it wrong, YES! But really, when was the last time you saw a little boy dressed mostly in pink, wearing a dress. I don't care what the friggin hat looks like! This is exactly why she's usually got a big bow on her head when we go out, it prevents events such as this one...

Monday, February 8, 2010

Awake time marathon ...

So for the last week or so, Haley has only been awake for about 1-2 hours at a time, then she's needed a nap, lasting about 40 min - 2 hours each. Today has been a little different. She woke up this morning after a nice 12 hour sleep, then went down for her morning nap with no trouble. Grandpa (Clive) was coming by this afternoon, so I tried to get her down for her lunch hour nap before he got here. She wasn't having it... She was up from 11am until almost 4pm. Funny thing was, she looked tired, but wasn't cranky. Anyone who knows my child, knows this is very strange... While Grandpa was here, she smiled at him and bounced away in her jolly jumper. She even got to eat a little cereal, which she just started this week and loves. By the time he left, she was so tired, I put her in her crib and she passed out. I'm guessing it's going to be a long nap, but who knows...

Mommy hates it when I'm dirty, but look at me with cereal all around my mouth!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Will Haley learn to play the piano like Mommy, Grandma & Grandpa?

After attending Nana's 70th birthday party tonight, we stopped by my parent's place for a quick visit with grandma. Haley seems to have taken a liking to the keyboard. Since my mom used to teach piano/organ/keyboard, I'm hoping she'll want to teach her granddaughter a little something when she gets older. For now, we'll just let her play her own tune...

Saturday, February 6, 2010

How many people does it take to bath a baby?

We had quite the interesting night...
Haley's grandparents, Chuck & Teri, came for a visit tonight. Shortly after getting here, Haley had her dinner, which included oatmeal cereal. This was her first time trying oatmeal, she loved it, although we were a little worried about how her little system would respond. She spent the evening bouncing away in her
jolly jumper, and then it happened...
I was in the basement and could here Teri calling "Kim... Kim...". We ran up to Haley's room to find Teri Standing there holding naked little Haley, with poo all up her back, belly and legs. She had even managed to put her little hand in it, then smeared it on her face, in her hair, and on her ear. What a mess!!! So while Charlie ran around looking for more wipes, Chuck & Teri had Haley dangling over the sink, trying to rinse off the excess poop. Meanwhile I was filling her bathtub, and getting the wash cloths and towels together. Chuck, Teri and Charlie were all covered in poo, so gross, but oh so funny!! What a way to spend a Saturday night.

Bouncing machine!

Now Haley has learned to sit on her own, bounce like crazy in her jolly jumper, blow spit bubbles, and talk up a storm.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Haley Rose Ehman

Haley was born 9:30am August 27, 2009, at the Rockyview Hospital in Calgary, AB. After 41 weeks pregnant, and 9 1/2 hours of labour, Haley was here. She weighed 7lbs 5oz, and was 19" long. Our healthy little baby girl!
Although the first few months with a colicky baby was "interesting", she is the love of my life!
From the first week we brought her home, she was holding her head up (a little wobbly) and was pretty alert.
At 2 1/2 weeks old, Haley was rolling over from her belly to her back, even the doctor thought this was quite the accomplishment. Likely because she dislikes tummy time, she still doesn't roll from her back to her belly.