Friday, February 26, 2010

Busy little girl...

Haley had quite the day today...
My friend Jenny came over with her son Kingston, who's about a month older than Haley. It was so cute to watch the two of them interact. When we first put them next to each other, Haley had her hand out, and Kingston reached out and held it, SO CUTE!!! Then we sat them on the sofa together, they just stared at each other, and at one point Kingston tried to poke Haley's eye out, lol. Not sure why babies always go for each others eyes. She's a good sport though, doesn't seem to bother her.
When Daddy got home from work, he and Haley played on the floor. I just love watching them together. He gets her laughing so much, it's great! She was sitting in his lap on the floor, up walked Nikko (our cat), Haley just loves him! She reaches out to pet him, and he rubs up against her hand. Of course the nice playing doesn't last for long, next thing you know, she's pulling his hair and ear. Luckily he doesn't respond, just pulls away and goes to the other room.
I made pears for Haley last night, so she had them today. They were a real hit, she couldn't get enough of them! So far she's had rice cereal, oatmeal cereal, barley cereal, sweet potatoe, squash, carrots, banana and pears. The only thing she doesn't seem to like too much is squash, the rest she eats quite easily. I love making her food for her, it's very gratifying. Jars are great when I need something quickly, but I much prefer knowing exactly what she's eating.

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