Sunday, February 28, 2010

6 months old!

I can't believe Haley is 6 months old already, where does the time go? It makes me so sad to think that half my time at home with her is over, it's going to be so hard to go back to work :( Guess I'll just have to make the best of the time I do have with her, and enjoy every moment!
We've had a great weekend with her again, she's all of a sudden become a very easy baby, we're so lucky!
Last night we went to a housewarming party at our friend Cassandra's. I wasn't sure how it was going to work, since Haley usually goes to bed between 7:30-8:30pm, but she did great! When she looked like she was starting to fade, we put her in her PJs, and into her car seat. She went right to sleep. She only took a nap while we were there, then she wanted to see what was going on. Not what we had planned, but we just went with the flow. Once we got home, I fed her and put her in bed. Down she went without a peep! She did get up a couple of times in the night, but I'm guessing it's because we through off her schedule. I thought we'd have a rough day today because of it, but we didn't. She was a happy baby all day!
Tonight I made her Yams, which we had with out dinner too. She really seemed to like them, although they're pretty much the same as sweet potatoe, so I sort of figured she would. So far so good, we haven't come across anything she won't eat. Next I think we'll try peaches.

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