Monday, February 15, 2010

Poor little monkey!

Our day started out so nicely...
Haley woke up around 11am, so we all got to sleep in, it was great! We spent the day relaxing and playing with her. It was day 3 of sweet potatos, which she had along with some rice cereal, she seemed to enjoy it. I decided to take her out for some fresh air, so the two of us went for a walk around the neighbourhood, it was really nice. Haley was pooped when we got home, so she went down for a nap, no problem. I had everything planned so nicely to go to Charlie's parents place for dinner, but when she woke up from her nap (around 5:45pm), she was screaming. Poor little thing, there were real tears and everything. I felt so bad for her!! We gave her some gripe water, but she was still pretty upset. Charlie ended up going on his own, so I could stay home and look after her. Probably a good thing... She seemed to be feeling a bit better a little while after he left, so we were sitting on the floor playing. All of a sudden she started to chock (which scared the crap out of me), then she threw up most of her milk and sweet potatos, so gross!! Clearly something was bugging her, but I think she got it out.

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