Friday, May 28, 2010

Since when does she spit her food out?

Not sure why Charlie feels the need to take photos of Haley with hat head and a crazy look on her face :)

Normally Haley will eat anything, and a lot of it too. Today she was a little different. At lunch she had some bread, but after about a 1/4 of a piece, she started to spit it out. Then I gave her some vegetables and chicken, but after a few spoon fulls, she started to spit that out too. The only things she wanted were bananas and yogurt, silly girl. She was back to normal by dinner though. Here's hoping she doesn't make spitting out her food a habit!

Usually she has 3 naps in a day, but today was different for that too, she only took 2. After being awake for about 4 hours straight, she was still in a great mood! Charlie fed her dinner. While she was eating, I was waving at her. She looked over at me and waved back, so cute!! Then we were playing on the floor. Haley was in the crawling position, just turning around and around. Every time she'd get to the edge of the mat, she'd pull it up and try to put it in her mouth. We'd say "no Haley", so she turn all the way around and do it again. I wonder if she thought she had arrived at a different edge that she was allowed to put in her mouth, lol.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

9 months old!

Where has the time gone?? I can't believe Haley is 9 months old today! This stage is so fun, I really wish I could keep her this little forever. She's not quite crawling yet, but she's finally starting to try. She moves herself around when she's sitting on her bum, and turns around when she's on her tummy. Yesterday she was playing on her belly, and pulled herself over to me. She unplugged my laptop, and stuck the cord in her mouth. I have the feeling it won't be long before we need to put up some baby gates.

Monday, May 24, 2010

It was a busy week, a playdate almost every day. It's so neat to see how different the babies are. On Thursday I had a couple of the girls over that I met in my prenatal class. Landon, who is 2 weeks older than Haley, is pushing himself up to sitting position from laying down. Alyvia, who is 6 days older than Haley, is crawling and walking (holding onto furniture or your hand). Then there's Haley... She's been sitting unassisted since she was 5 months old, but has no urge to become mobile. If she wants something, she just rolls to it. if she can't reach it, she just moves onto something else. If there's nothing within reach, she just plays with her feet or starts talking. One day she'll crawl and walk, it just won't be one day soon :)

We've had a great long weekend... visited with friends/family and just relaxed. After a nice lunch with my parents today, followed by a little playtime in the living room (where we've set up play mats, lots of toys and books), we took Haley and the dogs for a walk. We stopped at the park and pushed Haley on the swing for a while, she loved it. It was so fun to see her smiling and giggling every time she swung back and forth. She was yawning as we arrived back at the house, so down she went for her nap before dinner. What a fabulous day!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Haley thinks her daddy is pretty funny! I love watching them interact, specially when it makes her laugh so much :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Haley's 1st pool

It's been so nice out lately, I decided it was time to get Haley her very first pool. There are so many cool little pools out there for kids! I was going to get her one that had a slide, some toys attached, a sun shade and it sprayed water all around the outside, but I figured Haley probably wouldn't appreciate all of that just yet. So for now I just got her a little one to soak in on hot days, with a built in UV shade.

Charlie had the day off yesterday, so we decided it was time to test it out. She loved it! She played with her toys and splashed around, it was great!

Today we had a play date with my friend Jenny and her son Kingston. Play dates are so much more fun now that the kids can sit and interact a bit.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Busy couple of weeks...

The first half of this month my family was visiting from England. I think it was pretty hard for them to say good bye to Haley at the airport :( It was a great visit, Haley loved them all! She only cried once their entire visit, even that was only for a few minutes when she woke up with a tummy ache. Every morning I would go in to get my little peanut, Laura (my niece) would come with me. The two of them were so cute, they'd play peek-a-boo. The one morning Laura didn't come in with me (they had all gone to Edmonton for the day), Haley was looking at the door, waiting for Laura to pop out, poor thing.
On Mother's day, Charlie came into our room with Haley to wake me up. Haley was holding a little gift bag with her foot print on it. Inside was a little box and some chocolates. She couldn't have cared less about the actual gift, all she wanted was the tissue and empty box. Maybe for her 1st birthday we should just get ourselves something, and let her have the wrapping, lol.
Haley is 8 1/2 months old, still not mobile. Can't say I'm in a hurry for that to happen, since it probably means my easy ride will be over. She doesn't mind tummy time anymore, even turns around to reach things while on her tummy. If there's something she wants that's out of reach, she just rolls there. If that won't get her there, she just moves onto something else.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

More new sounds

I had a dentist appointment today, my mom and Haley came with me. The plan was for my mom to sit with Haley in the waiting room, but after she pooped and the room started to smell, my mom felt it was best to take the little stinker into the mall. Haley was in such a good mood, even though she had been up for 4 hours straight. They walked around the mall, every now and then Haley would let out a little screech, one of her new favorite sounds. She's such a good little girl.
In the last month or so, Haley has been saying "Da da da da da". I'm pretty sure she doesn't know what Da da means, but it's cute to hear it. Yesterday she started to say "Mum mum mum", and whenever I pick her up she says "Mum mum". I wonder if she understands what that means? She's also into copying sounds, which is so cute, I just love her little voice :)