Monday, May 24, 2010

It was a busy week, a playdate almost every day. It's so neat to see how different the babies are. On Thursday I had a couple of the girls over that I met in my prenatal class. Landon, who is 2 weeks older than Haley, is pushing himself up to sitting position from laying down. Alyvia, who is 6 days older than Haley, is crawling and walking (holding onto furniture or your hand). Then there's Haley... She's been sitting unassisted since she was 5 months old, but has no urge to become mobile. If she wants something, she just rolls to it. if she can't reach it, she just moves onto something else. If there's nothing within reach, she just plays with her feet or starts talking. One day she'll crawl and walk, it just won't be one day soon :)

We've had a great long weekend... visited with friends/family and just relaxed. After a nice lunch with my parents today, followed by a little playtime in the living room (where we've set up play mats, lots of toys and books), we took Haley and the dogs for a walk. We stopped at the park and pushed Haley on the swing for a while, she loved it. It was so fun to see her smiling and giggling every time she swung back and forth. She was yawning as we arrived back at the house, so down she went for her nap before dinner. What a fabulous day!

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