Saturday, August 28, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday!

Haley turned 1 yesterday, where has the time gone? Can't believe that it's been a whole year since our time in the hospital, when we left with our new little screaming bundle of joy :)
Yesterday we had a nice relaxing day, mostly just me and my little sweet pea. My parents popped in with a gift for her, a ride on toy, which she absolutely loves! When I'm not pushing her around on it, she's crawling and pushing it with one hand, it's so cute. One of her little friends came over too, since they couldn't make it for her birthday bash.
Today was a blast! We had a big birthday celebration for Haley, it was great! We were so exhausted after all the festivities, Charlie and baby took a 2 hour nap before dinner. Of course Haley was spoiled with toys, clothes and books. She seemed to like the cards the best though, lol. Balloons seem to be her new favorite thing, specially the pink ones. I blew up some extra ones this morning, so she pointed at them all day, and tugged them around for quite a while.
Tomorrow we're having Charlie's family over to celebrate with them. What a fun filled weekend for our little monkey!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Going back to work wasn't so hard after all. Haley has been having a great time with my mom, and it's actually been sort of nice getting back into a routine. Can't say I'm enjoying getting up at 5am, or taking the bus, but you do what you gotta do. The first day Haley and my mom spent together, my mom didn't quite realize how fast Haley can move. She took off to look out the window next to the front door, just like the dogs do. Never fails, when she's in a hurry, she tends to fall. Sure enough, she found the once small space of tile at the front entrance to go head first into. So day one I came home to a bruise, lol. I'm sure there are many more to come. She was almost bruise free, then she went head first into the hardwood last night, so we're back to black & blue.
The last 2 weekends we've gone to Haley's friend's 1st birthdays, they were both a lot of fun. So cute to watch all the kids crawling/walking around. I let Haley have a little ice cream (for the first time), she didn't like it at first. I think it was just too cold for her, so she was spitting it out, but after a little while, she got the hang of it.
Haley had her 1 year doctor's appointment today. They measured her at 28 inches and 17lbs 5oz (although she had just had a big meal and not gone to the bathroom before we got there). Based on that, she's in the 25th percentile for height, and not even on the chart for weight. The doctor wasn't overly concerned, just said we need to monitor to make sure she continues to gain weight. She eats a lot, and doesn't look too thin, so I'm not at all worried. She's a healthy active little one, she's never even had a cold!

Thursday, August 12, 2010 maternity leave is officially over :( I head back to work tomorrow morning. It's been such an amazing year, Haley has grown and learned so much! Only 15 more days and she'll be 1 year old!
So starting tomorrow, my mom will be looking after my little angel. She loves Grandma, so it won't be a problem, I'm sure they'll adjust just fine (I might not though). I'm sure they'll have a lot of fun together! Haley loves going to the park and playing on the swings. Last time I took her there, both my parents joined us. We all had a great time, but especially Haley, she was laughing and smiling the entire time, so cute!
Of course she's been crawling up a storm, but now she's trying to walk a little too. If you hold her arms, she takes steps forward, and won't bend her legs if you try to get her to sit down. She's also standing holding onto the furniture, but she can't quite pull herself to standing without help. It's coming though, probably won't be too long.
Haley likes to sit at the top of the stairs now, throwing her toys through the railing to the lower level. I'm fine with it, as long as it's a soft toy. The trick is to only let her take soft toys into the upstairs hallway, lol. She's also trying to pull herself up on the railings and gate, she gets one foot on the ground, but can't quite get high enough to get the other one under her. It's coming....

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Tooth #2

Haley got her second tooth yesterday! Now she has 2 on the top. It looks so funny when you can actually see them, not that you can very often. She sure doesn't like to show them, but I was finally able to get a shot! You can sure feel them though, and it hurts when she bites down on my finger, lol. It's pretty cute to watch her eat Baby Mum Mums now, cause she's figured out that she can bite pieces off with her new teeth.

Guess it's time to try out her toothbrush!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Fun in the sun!

Only 1 more week before I go back to work, so I'm trying to enjoy every moment I have with Haley.
Today we went over to my friend's parent's place, they have a pool. The weather was perfect for it, so we spent almost 2 hours in there. Haley loved floating around in the baby flotation device, she was kicking like crazy to propel herself. I don't even think she was ready to get out when I was, but she was once wrinkled little prune, so I figured we should go.
This week she's started something new when it's time for bed. She's figured out that she can crawl around and sit up in bed, and she loves doing it. We watch her on the video monitor, as she dozes off while sitting up, then falls over on her face. I don't see how that can be comfortable, but it doesn't seem to bother her. It's pretty funny to watch!