Monday, March 29, 2010

New sounds...

We've had a really good few days! Haley has been such a good girl, going down for naps without any trouble, eating well, playing, etc.
Yesterday Charlie's parents came by for a visit. The last few visits at their place didn't go too well, she did a lot of screaming. Not yesterday though!! She was great with them the entire time! YAY!
Haley woke up from a nap this afternoon making a new noise, it's very cute. It sounds just like she's saying Dada, but I'm sure she's just saying "babababa". I don't think we can count this as her first word :)
I put Haley in her swing today, she doesn't go in it too often now. All of a sudden she can reach the dangling toys! I swear they just wake up one day and they're way bigger than the day before!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Another explosive evening!

Yesterday morning Haley and I went to Little Wonders. Once again she really seemed to enjoy it. She was starting to get hungry part way through, so she did begin to fuss a little. Good thing a "Baby mum mum" distracts her quite easily, and managed to tied her over until the class was over and I could give her some milk. After class we came home so she could nap. She woke up just in time to leave for Charlie's work, where we had a pot luck. She did really well with all those people around, even let a few of his co-workers hold her without any crying. Haley sat in her own chair, which she was tied to with a "tie chair" (check it out, and had her lunch as well. All in all, a busy day, but a good one.
Today Haley spent some time with Daddy while I made cards with some friends. We fed her a nice big dinner this evening, then she went down for a nap. When she woke up, she seemed a little cranky. She was playing on the floor with daddy, when Charlie said "hmmm, her shirt smells like poo". So off he went to her room to see if she needed a bum change. All I could hear was "KIM, KIM!!!! It's all up her back and I can't get her shirt off". Had he undone the buttons down the front of her top, it might have been a little easier to remove, lol. So I got the rest of her clothes off, while Charlie ran the bath tub. By this time she was screaming!! I'm guessing poop smeared all up the back doesn't feel so nice. We rinsed her under the tap before putting her in the bath tub, which she didn't enjoy at all. Normally she loves bath night, but not this time! After her bath I cuddled her in a towel for a while, just to get her to calm down. Poor thing, I felt so bad for her. She had the cutest little sad/worried look on her face :( After I blow dried her, put her in her PJs, then gave her a little milk, she was ready for bed. I put her down, not a peep. Guess all that pooping wore her out, lol.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Little Miss Sociable

The beginning of the week Haley was a little off. She was still sleeping great at night, but she did a fair bit of whining during the day. Not sure if it's teething, a growth spurt, or just not feeling well. She's fine now though. We missed the Little Wonders class on Tuesday, so we're going to make it up tomorrow morning.
Yesterday Haley had a play date with Benjamin, so we went over to my friend Christine's place. The two of them played for ages, took a nap, then played some more. He's almost 2 months older than Haley, so he's quite mobile. It's amazing how much of a difference a couple of months can make.
Today Haley had another play date, this time with Landon. Over to Melissa's place we went. Again the babies played, napped and played some more. Landon is a very talkative little guy, so he and Haley sat across from each other, "chatting" back and forth. We also went for a nice 1 1/2 hour walk around her area (which is just in the next community over from ours). Such a perfect day to be outside! Not too hot, not too cold. I love getting out in the fresh air with Haley, she seems to like it too. When we got home I put Haley in front of her silly town to play, she must have picked up a little something from Landon, cause she was talking away (in a very loud manner), it was pretty funny. Must have been a pretty eventful day for her, cause when it was time for bed, she rubbed her eyes and went straight to sleep.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Have you ever laughed so hard you can't breath?

It was another beautiful day outside today, so we decided to take advantage of it. We took a 45 minute walk around the neighbourhood, it was great! Haley was busy looking around and enjoying the fresh air. I thought it would totally wear her out, but it didn't. Instead, her 3rd nap of the day only lasted for about 25 minutes. Oh well, it kept her going until bed time.
When she got up from her nap, she was ready for dinner. I think she might be teething, cause she started to cry while I was feeding her, which is pretty unusual. I gave her a cold teething ring to chew on, which made her happy as soon as I put it in her mouth. Once her mouth was all cold, she was ready to finish eating her chicken, rice and carrots.
After dinner she had a bath, then enjoyed a little naked time. She was sitting on daddy's lap (don't worry, she was wearing a diaper), and all I hear is "KIM!!! I need a burp cloth!!". When I got up to get one Charlie says "HURRY, she puked in my face and there are carrots in my mouth". OMG!! I was laughing so hard I had tears running down my face. I could barely walk over to get him a cloth, and by the time I handed it to him, I was laughing so hard I couldn't catch my breath. Poor Charlie, these things always happen to him. At least this time it wasn't poo related!
What a lovely Sunday!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Who needs to nap anyway?

Haley woke up at about 9am this morning and was ready for the day. Normally she'd be up for about 1 1/2 to 2 hours, so I had it all planned, she'd be up from her nap by about 12-12:30pm and ready for her play date with Eva. No such luck... For some reason, Haley felt she didn't need to nap. I put her down, she didn't cry, just whined for about 45 minutes. So I went in there, fed her and put her back down. She still didn't fall asleep, she continued to whine for another 45 minutes. By that time, Leila and her daughter Eva were about to arrive for the play date, so I thought, let's see what happens if I just keep her up... I was shocked!! Haley was in a great mood! She had her lunch, played, laughed, interacted with Eva, all without a complaint. They left around 2pm (now awake for 5 hours straight), and Haley was still fine. I changed her, fed her and put her down for a nap by about 2:15pm and she went straight to sleep, she was pooped! She had a nice long sleep (2 1/2 hours), which kept her going for the rest of the day. Normally she'd have 3 naps in a day, but today she did great with just 1, so odd! I think it did mess her up a little bit though. When I put her down at around 8:15pm (which is later than usual too), she went straight to sleep. However, she woke up an hour later, and refused to go back to sleep until 10:30pm. I don't think she realized it was actually bed time. Here's hoping we can get her back on schedule tomorrow, unlikely since we're going to Cross Iron Mills to meet up with some friends, but she always does well when we're out.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

First day at "Little Wonders"

Haley had her first day at Little Wonders yesterday, her friend Landon (and his mom Melissa) was in the class too. Little Wonders is an early literacy, play program designed for children birth to 3 years old. They do some singing, baby sign language, play with toys, bubbles and a big parachute. Although Haley had already been awake for over 2 hours by the time we got there (she's usually only up for 1 1/2 hours before nap time), she still enjoyed the class very much. She was pretty pooped by the end of it, so she was fast asleep the minute we got to the car.
Today Charlie got off work at 11:30am, so the 3 of us went to meet my parents at the Olive Garden for lunch, it was really nice. Haley was dressed all in green for St. Patty's Day. My mom was holding her while we were waiting for a table, she had a crowd of people around her looking at Haley, too cute. She was so good all through lunch, then went off to sleep in her car seat before we left. We've just been spending the rest of the day at home, relaxing. What a great way to spend St. Patty's Day :)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Haley's first trip to the Zoo

OK, it wasn't really her first trip... We did go last week, but it was so cold, we didn't actually see any animals, so I don't think that counts :)
It was so beautiful outside today, the perfect day for a trip to the zoo! Haley and I met up with Candace, her daughter Paige and Christine, with her son Benjamin. The babies are all around Haley's age. They're not quite at the stage where they find the animals interesting, but I do think Haley liked the birds that we saw, only because they moved so quickly. Other than that, she was more interested in the trees. After about an hour of walking around, the kids all fell asleep in their strollers, which is when we went off to check out the giraffes and stuff. I think we'll be going to the zoo quite frequently, it makes for a really nice day outdoors.
Haley had green beans for the first time tonight, she couldn't get enough of them. So far she has liked everything I've given her, it's fantastic!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

We've had a nice relaxing weekend as a family. Since it's been so nice out lately, Haley and I spent a little time in the backyard while Daddy was making lunch on the BBQ. She really seems to like the outdoors, particularly standing on the walkway, watching the dogs play.
It's bath night tonight. We've recently graduated to a larger tub, since she was always trying to sit up in the old one. Now she can sit in her little duck tub and play with her bath toys. So fun!
Haley has a busy week planned. We're going to the zoo, she starts "Little Wonders" (literacy program), we might go to a "Stars and Strollers" movie, and have a play date planned. She's quite the social butterfly :)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

A little too early for bed time, isn't it?

Yesterday Haley had another play date, and this time she didn't sleep through it all! My friend Candace and came over with her daughter Paige. Paige is just over a month younger than Haley. It was funny to watch the girls interact when we sat them next to each other. Haley kept hitting and poking at Paige, finally Paige put her arm in front of Haley's so she couldn't keeping picking on her. So then Haley just started to use her other arm, too cute.
Today we went to a Stars and Strollers movie with 3 of my mommy friends. Haley was such a good little girl. She sat there watching the movie with me, then she took a little nap. When she woke up, she was just watching the movie again, and trying to hold Landon's hand (my friend Melissa's little boy who's 2 weeks older than her). It was such a nice day, but I think she was worn out. I put her down for a nap after dinner, at 5:30pm, she's still sleeping and it's 7:30pm!! Since her bed time is usually around 7-7:30pm, I'm guessing she thought it was time to go down for the night. Guess I'll be waking her up, cause she could likely use a bum change, and she's not in her pjs. Besides, if she goes down at 5:30pm, what time is she going to be up in the morning?!?! This should be interesting...

Monday, March 8, 2010

Stupid weather...

It's been so nice out the last few days, so we decided to go to the zoo today. It was supposed to go up to 8 degrees, but it was only about 4 degrees when we left. Still, it was nice and sunny at our place, it felt much warmer. So I packed Haley up, and off we went to the zoo to meet up with Tamara, her daughter Sophie, Lisa, and her son Ian. When I parked the car and got out, it hit me. I must have been nice and sheltered in my back yard when I walked to the garage, so I didn't notice the wind. It was freezing!! Sure, 4 degrees, but that certainly didn't include the wind chill! By the time I got through the parking lot to the entrance, my hands were frozen. Luckily Haley was dressed for the occasion, and comfy cozy in her car seat with it's cover. We went in and bought an annual pass, so I didn't feel too bad about not checking out all the animals today. Instead, we spent the afternoon in the Kitamba Cafe. We did think about going to see the monkeys on the way out, but it was getting colder and Haley was asleep by then, so we just went home. Not a very exciting 1st trip to the zoo for Haley, but at least she got to hang out with her friends.
Notice the little hands reaching for her hat, tee hee.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sleeping Beauty

Haley had her 6 month shots on Friday. She cried a little while the nurse was doing it, but then she was fine. They always seem to make her sleep! She took nap after nap, then slept for 13 hours straight that night, and went back down for another hour. Tired little monkey.
I thought that with all the sleep, she'd be in a great mood on Saturday, no such luck! We went over to Charlie's parent's place, she screamed almost the entire time. She was ok for a bit when we brought her home, so we put her in her jolly jumper (where she's always happy). We had a few friends come by, and while she was jumping, she was in a great mood. As soon as we took her out of the jolly jumper and passed her around, the not so happy face came out again. She went off to bed a little earlier than usual, and again had a great sleep. This time she slept for 11 hours straight, then back down for another 3 hours.
Today Haley has been great! My parents came over for lunch, brought us chicken and stuff. Haley smiled away the whole time, then went off for a nap. When she woke up, we decided to go for a walk, it was so nice out today! Of course the fresh air wore her out, so she went straight to sleep when we got home. When she woke up, she played with her toys and did a little bouncing, laughing away as she jumped. Charlie's grandparents came over while she was bouncing, which brought us to a new discovery. Haley needs a warm up period with most people. If we give her straight over to someone when they walk in the door, or when we go to someone's house, she's not happy. If she gets a little time to get used to them, and doesn't get smothered, she'll be fine. We tried handing her over to Charlie's grandmother and she screamed! Once they had been here for a little while and she was smiling at them, we tried again, she was fine. She didn't complain until she started to get tired, but at least it wasn't full on crying, just a little whimper. We got her ready for bed, put her down and she went straight to sleep. All in all, a very nice weekend :)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Popular Girl!

In the photo: Landon 6 1/2 months, Haley 6 months
Haley had another play date today. She had already been sleeping for an hour when Melissa and Landon got here, but I guess she was really tired, cause she continued to sleep for another hour and 15 minutes. Finally she woke to play with her little friend Landon. We had such a nice afternoon. We hung out at our house for a little while, then took the kids out for a little shopping. We were in Superstore for ages, the entire time Haley was spitting, blowing bubbles and smiling away. By the time we left there, her face and car seat were covered in saliva, so funny. When we got back it was so beautiful out, we decided to take them for a walk. Haley stayed up all afternoon, she was in the best mood! Probably because she slept for almost 12 hours straight last night, woke up to eat and went back down for another 2 hours.
I gave her dinner around 5:30pm tonight, she started to look tired, so I put her down for a nap at 5:45pm. She slept for an hour and a half!! When she woke up, she still looked tired. So I fed her, then daddy got her ready for bed. She went straight to sleep! What a fantastic day!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Play date!

We had a play date today, Haley had 3 of her little friends over, it was so cute! I love watching them interact. They all sit there touching each others feet, sucking on each others thumbs, trying to hug each other, etc. Haley was the center of attention, probably because she's the smallest and doesn't complain when she's pulled around, or poked in the eye, lol.
In the photo: (left to right)

Fiona 10 1/2 months (18 1/2 lbs), Victoria 8 months (15 lbs), Haley 6 months (13 lbs), Eva 8 months (18 1/2 lbs)
We weighed all the babies while they were over today :)

Monday, March 1, 2010

My tiny little girl

Haley had her 6 month check up today, she's a healthy little girl. She weighs 13lbs 5oz (only because she hasn't pooped in a few days, lol) and she's about 24 inches long. She's definitely on the small side, only in the 5th percentile for weight. It's kind of nice though, she never grows out of anything :o)
I thought we'd have a rough day today, since I had to wake her up from a nap to get her to the doctor, but she did great! Even though it was close to feeding time for her, she didn't complain at all. She was busy looking around and smiling at everything in the doctors office, it was great!
When we got home, I had her sitting on my lap. Out of nowhere, she started to laugh. It was the cutest little belly laugh. I think she was laughing at the dogs, even though they weren't doing anything. Tobi was just staring at her, and she started to laugh at him. I've never heard her laugh like that, it was the cutest thing ever!
Since it was such a beautiful day today, we decided to take her out for a walk before dinner. The fresh air did her in. She's been sleeping for over an hour now. She's going to be one hungry little girl when she wakes up!