Thursday, March 11, 2010

A little too early for bed time, isn't it?

Yesterday Haley had another play date, and this time she didn't sleep through it all! My friend Candace and came over with her daughter Paige. Paige is just over a month younger than Haley. It was funny to watch the girls interact when we sat them next to each other. Haley kept hitting and poking at Paige, finally Paige put her arm in front of Haley's so she couldn't keeping picking on her. So then Haley just started to use her other arm, too cute.
Today we went to a Stars and Strollers movie with 3 of my mommy friends. Haley was such a good little girl. She sat there watching the movie with me, then she took a little nap. When she woke up, she was just watching the movie again, and trying to hold Landon's hand (my friend Melissa's little boy who's 2 weeks older than her). It was such a nice day, but I think she was worn out. I put her down for a nap after dinner, at 5:30pm, she's still sleeping and it's 7:30pm!! Since her bed time is usually around 7-7:30pm, I'm guessing she thought it was time to go down for the night. Guess I'll be waking her up, cause she could likely use a bum change, and she's not in her pjs. Besides, if she goes down at 5:30pm, what time is she going to be up in the morning?!?! This should be interesting...

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